ICSA 2019 Conference
Camphill, NY, USA
Prof Dan McKanan - Carrying a Special ICSA Camphill Flag!
Camphill Pages - Spring/Summer 2019
We are approaching a remarkable event this July with the International Communal Studies Association Gathering at Camphill in the USA. Many from Camphill including Andrew Plant from Milltown Scotland will go having submitted papers on the theme and the programme is printed below….
Professor Dan McKanan, presiding over the 2019 ICSA conference in Hudson, NY
International Communities Conference in America
Hudson House, NY
Camphill Pages - Spring/Summer 2019
In July this year the four Camphill communities near Hudson, New York are hosting the International Communal Studies Association (ICSA) conference. Prof. Dan Mckanan is a good friend of Camphill and he is also the current President of ICSA, so he has arranged this conference to be the place and time that the wider movement of intentional communities gets to meet the Camphill movement. Conference guests will be staying in the four communities - Copake, Triform, Camphill Hudson and Camphill Ghent. Camphill people will be making plenary presentations, holding workshops and presenting papers…
2019 Conference Schedule
Our program included several different kinds of sessions. Plenary sessions were intended to bring everyone together to explore the main themes of the conference. Paper panels featured two or three scholars presenting their research on intentional community. Workshops were more participatory, and drew on scholarship or lived experience in community. Some of the workshops were sponsored by the Camphill Research Symposium (CRS), which happened in tandem with the ICSA conference. They were open to all conference participants! Artistic workshops were fully inclusive and participatory, and showcased some of the artistic traditions of the Camphill movement. The program also included two film screenings, “Hippie Family Values” and “Intelligent Lives,” as well as two performances of “Food Talks” by the Hudson Players, an inclusive theater company based at Camphill Hudson.
Sky Blue presenting Chris Coates with the Geoff Kozeny Communitarian Award for Diggers & Dreamers
Plenary Session, Hudson 2019
Conference Pictures
From the pre-conference tour, through the conference itself, to the post-conference tour, here you’ll find a selection of photographs giving you an idea of what the participants of our gathering experienced during July, 2019.
Relive the experience by browsing our photo gallery.
Conference Proceedings
Interested in reading the conference papers?
From presentations on historic communities that no longer exist, to sessions exploring the future of contemporary communities, there is content here for everyone.
Click on the link below to explore the abstracts of the conference papers
Camphill Ghent
ICSA At Camphill Ghent
Camphill Ghent (along with Camphill Copake, Triform, and Hudson) hosted the ICSA (International Communal Studies Association) conference from July 18-21. Ghent hosted a pre-conference gathering on Wednesday, July 17 for forty Camphillers. Those who attended shared their community’s practice on diversity and inclusion.
Centering the Margins: Diversity and Inclusion in Intentional Communities
“I came to Camphill thinking I was going to learn about social therapy for people with special needs, but then I learned it’s actually mainstream society that needs the social therapy,” a Camphill resident shared on stage during an opening plenary for the International Communal Studies Association (ISCA) Conference, hosted July 18-21, 2019 in upstate New York.
The Weavery at Camphill Village Copake