International Communities Conference in America

Prof Dan McKanan

Camphill Pages - Spring/Summer 2019

In July this year the four Camphill communities near Hudson, New York are hosting the International Communal Studies Association (ICSA) conference. Prof. Dan Mckanan is a good friend of Camphill and he is also the current President of ICSA, so he has arranged this conference to be the place and time that the wider movement of intentional communities gets to meet the Camphill movement. Conference guests will be staying in the four communities - Copake, Triform, Camphill Hudson and Camphill Ghent. Camphill people will be making plenary presentations, holding workshops and presenting papers.

There will also he presentations from the Camphill USA Research Symposium and a performance by the Camphill Hudson Players.

The theme of the conference is 'Inclusion and Diversity', a theme that is very relevant to the Camphill communities.

You might know that Dan McKanan has published a few books that include the work of Camphill and hopefully his new book 'Camphill and the Future' will be out in time for the conference.

This will be a very interesting and exciting inclusive conference and I, for one, am really looking forward to taking part.

It's not too late to book a place. You can do this by going to the ICSA website at and then click on the tab 'conferences'.