ICSA 2007 Conference
Damanhur, Italy
International Communal Studies Association
Damanhur, Italy
June 29 - July 1, 2007
Pre-conference tour July 2-3, 2007
Prof. Emeritus Dennis Hardy, Outgoing ICSA President, reports on the ICSA Damanhur Conference
The International Communal Studies Association (ICSA) is alive and well! At the end of June members gathered for the latest in its series of international conferences. This time the location was the beautiful Val Chiusella, in the foothills of the Italian Alps to the north of Turin, where ICSA enjoyed the warm hospitality of the well-established Damanhur community. As well as a unique opportunity to meet like-minded enthusiasts from around the world, the event offered a rich mix of reflective papers and community practice. An additional attraction was a post-conference visit to an inspirational eco-village, Torri Superiore, as well as to some more traditional examples of Italian community living.
ICSA 2007
Conference Programme
Conference Pictures
Here you’ll find a selection of photographs giving you an idea of what the participants of our gathering experienced in the summer of 2007.
Relive the experience by browsing our photo gallery.
ICSA Conference 2007 - Damanhur, Italy
By Bill Metcalf
This June I met with 120 communitarians and academic researchers from more than a dozen countries at the 2007 International Communal Studies Association (ICSA) conference. We met at Damanhur Federation, a 32-year-old spiritual community near Turin, Italy. Every three years ICSA members meet and share research findings at an intentional community or university: in 2004 it was the Amana Colonies in Amana, Iowa; in 2001, ZEGG community in Germany; in 1998 at University of Amsterdam, and in 1998, at Yad Tabenkin Research Centre, Israel.