Conference Ticket for ICSA members - January 15th-19th, 2024.

from €0.00

Join us for our first fully virtual international conference, where participants from around the world can present, watch and participate in the sessions. Gather with us on January 15th, 17th and 19th, 2024.

Individuals that paid to attend our 2022 Conference in Denmark are members of ICSA and therefore are eligible to purchase one of the tickets featured below.

If you are not an ICSA member, please return to the previous page in order to select a ticket plus new ICSA membership.

We have added an option to ‘pay what you can’ for the forthcoming conference. This enables those that would otherwise be unable to attend our conferences to participate. Please select the amount that you are able to pay from the dropdown menu.

*ICSA has a tradition of holding in-person conferences every three years, and we expect our next in-person conference to be in summer 2025. All memberships expire just before our in-person conference. Whether you purchased a membership at the time of our 2022 conference or purchase a new membership now, you will be invited to renew in the spring of 2025.

**The virtual conference does induce costs for putting together; any donation, however small, to help cover costs, will be greatly appreciated.
