Full Spectrum Management / Governance

Our community had a successful management system that allowed our groups to resolve conflict, create team work, develop trust, individual fulfillment, make supportive choices and achieve purposeful outcomes. Its principle is based on an understanding of how energies work in terms of aligning individual energies with the energies of a project.  During 30 years of construction management, some of Canada’s largest sustainable projects benefited from aspects of this system. All Communities have implemented some forms of decision making process with varying success, so now is the time to test what worked for us, Full Spectrum Management. Participants should have available 3 letter size (A4) sheets of paper and a pen or marker. 

Hugh Perry

Hugh’s journey on a community in Eastern, Ontario ultimately placed him at the forefront of ecological evolvement. It was here that he lived a successful form of governance within the community of ‘IAM’. He manifested his love of sustainable design and construction on leading Canadian projects and writing for SABmag, magazine and SABhomes among other progressive periodicals.


Divine Friendship: The Power of Authentic Connections; 4 essential practices for harmonizing community relations


"Does living in an eco-community makes you happier?"