ICSA Statement regarding the violence in Israel and Gaza
As a scholarly society devoted to the study of intentional communities, the International Communal Studies Association and its board are deeply saddened and outraged by the terrorist attacks perpetrated against kibbutz communities in Israel on October 7. Kibbutz members were among the founders of our organization and continue to provide vital support, so we share a special grief for the suffering of those affected by these attacks, especially the family of the hundreds of kibbutz residents who were killed or abducted. We mourn for all of the innocent Palestinians and Israelis who are suffering in the ongoing war, and for victims of violence everywhere. Intentional communities can help end violence by modeling cooperation and building bridges across ethnic and religious divides. As we grieve with and for our communitarian friends, we pledge to use our scholarly endeavors to build enduring peace.

ICSA Webinar Series
February, 2025
ICSA has embarked a series of webinars to take place before the next face-to-face Conference in the summer of 2026.
The first Webinar took place on September, 26th 2024. The next Webinar is scheduled for 25 February, 2025 and will last 90 minutes, and will feature Anna Kovasna, a leading expert in bridging science and practice in community resilience. Anna will provide an overview of the ongoing GEN resilience project that she has been conducting for the last 2 years.
The subsequent webinars are planned for April and July, 2025.
The International Communal Studies Association (ICSA) is currently hard at work planning our next in-person conference due to take place in Lebensgarten, Germany from the 10th-14th July, 2026
Please keep checking our website for the CALL FOR PAPERS and for REGISTRATION
More about last year’s in-person ICSA Conference that took place in Denmark, July 14-16.
A conference for the community curious and committed scholar alike.
Our Mission
ICSA’s mission is to support the scholarly exchange of information regarding communal life — communes, intentional communities, kibbutzim and other collective communities throughout the world.
Kibbutz Research Institutes
ICSA is grateful for the financial support of the following Kibbutz Institutes: